- cloud chamber
- физ.конденсационная камера
English-Russian scientific dictionary. 2008.
English-Russian scientific dictionary. 2008.
Cloud chamber — with visible tracks from ionizing radiation (short, thick: α particles; long, thin: β particles). See also Animated Version Video of a Cloud chamber in action The cloud chamber, a … Wikipedia
cloud chamber — n. an enclosed chamber supersaturated with a liquid vapor, for revealing the presence of ionizing particles that cause liquid droplets to form … English World dictionary
cloud chamber — Physics. an apparatus for determining the movements of charged particles, consisting of a chamber containing a supersaturated mixture of gas and vapor, the vapor condensing around ions created by the particle in its passing, thereby revealing the … Universalium
cloud chamber — /ˈklaʊd tʃeɪmbə/ (say klowd chaymbuh) noun Physics an instrument for making the tracks of ionising particles visible as a row of droplets which condense from a saturated vapour. Also, Wilson cloud chamber …
cloud chamber — noun apparatus that detects the path of high energy particles passing through a supersaturated vapor; each particle ionizes molecules along its path and small droplets condense on them to produce a visible track • Syn: ↑Wilson cloud chamber •… … Useful english dictionary
Cloud Chamber (album) — Cloud Chamber Studio album by Boris with Michio Kurihara Released … Wikipedia
Cloud Chamber for the Trees and Sky — is an outdoor exhibit by Chris Drury located in the museum park of the North Carolina Museum of Art. The chamber itself is a round building built of stone, wood, and turf with a single door to admit the viewer. It is light tight when its door is… … Wikipedia
cloud chamber — cloud′ cham ber n. phs an apparatus containing a mixture of gas and vapor in which visible tracks of ions reveal the paths of charged particles through the mixture • Etymology: 1895–1900 … From formal English to slang
cloud chamber effect — See condensation cloud … Military dictionary
cloud chamber — noun Date: 1897 a vessel containing air saturated with water vapor whose sudden expansion reveals the passage of an ionizing particle by a trail of visible droplets … New Collegiate Dictionary
cloud chamber — noun Physics an apparatus in which the tracks of ionizing particles are visible as condensation trails in gas supersaturated with water or other vapour … English new terms dictionary